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Congratulations to Olympiada Thrakomakedonon from Greece! The World Group Champion and winner of the Bruno Grandi Trophy!

Their show is called “The wolves and the moon”, and the program is a theatrical choreography with RG & AG elements. The wolves live together in a dynamic harmony with the two leaders and their herbs. At the end the reconciliation brings peace and the wolves can do everything together.

This program also won the 1st place in both «Gymnastics For All» competitions held in Hellas during 2016. It was the first time it was presented a program with so many high level gymnasts. They have dedicated the show to hospitable Norway as a campaign for the preservation of the Norwegian wolf.

With 62 girls on the floor at the same time it is an amazing achievement to be as synchronized as this group is. With their fantastic performance they sat the audience on fire and lifted the roof as they received a massive applause and cheering from the crowd! It has been a fabulous night with 17 great teams on the floor, showing their performances. Every single one of them have made this a memorable evening, of course, accompanied by an awesome audience and our great floor team who both work hard and are a pleasure to watch while cleaning the floor!

President of the Local Organizing Committee, Stig Nilsen, said thank you to the gymnasts for all of their great performances.

-You have really shown us the true values of sports. He also pointed out the though job of the evaluators, and thanked them for their great work, and thanked the International Gymnastics Federation with the Gymnastics for All Committee for their cooperation, before the volunteers received a standing applause for their work during the week.

The president of the International Gymnastics Federation, Morinari Watanabe, expressed his heartfelt appreciation on behalf on the world gymnastics family for the wonderful time they had here in Vestfold.

Professor Bruno Grandi was the one to hand the envelope with the results over to the President of the International Gymnastics Federation, who confirmed Greece and Olympiada Thrakomakedonon as the winner of the Bruno Grandi Trophy.

Thank you to all the participating groups, and all of the gymnasts and guests who celebrated our great sport tonight! At World Gym for Life Challenge ALL ARE WINNERS!

Vinneren av King Harald Gym for Life Challenge 2017 og Worl Group Champion ble troppen OlympiadaThrakomakedonon fra Hellas. 

GRE 51 Olympiada Thrakomakedonon

De mottok den gjeve Bruno Grandi Trophy. Tidligere FIG president gjennom 20 år, Bruno Grandi var selv tilstede for å dele ut trofeet. Det er første gang dette skjer.

16 tropper deltok på Kong Harald Gym for Life Challenge Galla i kveld. Tyskland, Sveits, Zimbabwe, Portugal, England, Østerrike, Italia, Hellas, Japan, Azerbajdsjan, og selvfølgelig vertskapslandet Norge var representert ved Fredrikstad turnforening. De gjennomførte et flott program og var en verdig representant Norge.

Det ble et spektakulært show og en verdig avslutning på noen helt fantastiske dager her på Oslofjord Convention Center.

Bilder fra gallaen kommer søndag.






Vi gleder oss veldig til å delta på gallaen i kveld, sier Ann-Marthe Evensen. Tross bare et halvt år med forberedelser har altså jentene fra Fredrikstad Turnforening kapret en plass i gallaen i kveld.

Det er høyt nivå på alle troppene som deltar i kveld, og det er en ære å få være en del av gallaen.

Etter en uke på King Harald`s World Gym for Life Challenge tar trener og gymnaster med inspirasjon og motivasjon videre.

Vi ønsker Fredrikstad-jentene lykke til!

It seemed like the inhabitants of Sandefjord couldn’t think of a better way to spend their Friday than to go to Badeparken and enjoy some show performances in the sun. Many local people met up and were amazed by the great show, and we well see several of the same people in the audience at the Gala, as they got so inspired they had to buy tickets and get the chance to see some more!

After starting the day with show performances in the town of Sandefjord our very last contest started in Oslofjord Convention Center. We have seen in total 47 groups on the floor during the Small Groups Gymnastics and Dance Contest we had participants from 20 different countries! It has been a fantastic night with many talented and creative teams on the floor.

Tonight we have 47 worthy winners, and at World Gym for Life Challenge everyone are winners. Congratulations! However, we do have some groups who received the gold medal, and are ready to perform at the Gala show at Saturday. Teams from Germany, Austria, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Italy, Zimbabwe and Great Britain will after tonight be represented at the Gala. We can’t wait to see these groups once more:

GER 09 – Showteam Matrix
AUT 01 – TheFREAKS Acrobatics-Showteam
POR 03 – GCP/Mãe D’Água
AZE 01 – Azerbaijan
ITA 01 – La Trottola
ZIM 01 – Zimgym
GBR 04 – Astro Eden

Wild Cards

Congratulations to SUI 53 – Welsch Master Team and JPN 01 – University of TSUKUBA

You will find pictures from thursday her!

Despite cold wind, people enjoyed movie night at the beach. With blankets, warm drinks and warm atmosphere Baby got Johnny in the end.


Fredag var det de små troppene med gymnastikk og dans som var i bresjen. I alt 47 tropper fra 20 forskjellig nasjoner deltok. Norge var representert med 10 tropper. Liten tropp betyr at man kan stille med minimum to og maks 20 gymnaster.

De norske troppene viste fine oppvisninger. Troppen fra Stabekk sjarmerte publikum med sitt program og mottok sølv for sin prestasjon. Medaljefangsten for Norge ble for uten det sølvet,to sølv til og syv bronsemedaljer.

De troppene som mottok gullmedaljer var:

Showteam Matrix fra Tyskland
The FREAKS Acrobatics-Showteam fra Østerrike
GCP / Mãe D`Água fra Portugal
Azerbaijan fra Aserbajdsjan – De deltok for første gang på World Gym for Life og viste et fantastisk flott program.
La Trottola fra Italia
Zimgym fra Zimbabwe
Astro Eden fra England

Troppen fra Portugal

Resultatlisten finner du her!

Tropper som har utmerket seg på en spesiell måte, får et såkalt Wild Card og får anledningen til å delta på Gallaen. Dette er tropper som utmerker seg med sjarm, personlighet, kreativitet og publikumsfrieri. Welsch Master fra Sveits og University og TSUKUBA fra Japan var de to troppene som fikk utdelt Wild Card fredag kveld.

Det er i alt 14 tropper som har mottatt gullmedaljer disse tre oppvisningsdagene, de og de to troppene som har fått Wild Card, vil opptre på Gallaen i kveld. På Gallaen blir alle troppene evaluert på nytt og den beste troppen vil motta det ettertraktede Bruno Grandi Trophy.

Gallaen starter klokken 18.00. Her blir det spektakulære oppvisninger , så ta turen til Oslofjord Convention Center og del opplevelsen sammen med oss!

Du kan kjøpe billetter her!

Dagen for øvrig:

Dagen startet med Yoga på stranden. Både store og små deltok her og fikk en rolig og avslappende start på dagen.

Deretter var det ny øving på programmet til Gymnaestrada i Dorbin. Her er det flere og flere som henger seg på for å lære programmet.

Det var også by oppvisninger i Sandefjord. Her var det stor stemning og mange publikummere.

ppvisninger i Sandefjord.

Kvelden ble avsluttet med ute kino og filmen Dirty Dansing nede på stranden.


Se bilder fra torsdag her!


Hvem vinner den den 3. World Gym for Life Trophy?

Lørdag kveld vet vi svaret.



Thursday has been a fabulous day, filled with great performances! The gymnasts have shown their creativity and talents, both at Show Performances in Sandefjord and Tønsberg, and at today’s contests at Oslofjord Convention Center.

Gold Winner: GER 55 – Show Blues Brothers

In Sandefjord 23 groups were performing at the local park Badeparken for an enthusiastic audience. 16 groups were present at the show performances in Tønsberg, where local people had shown up to watch and be amazed by the great teams.

Gold winner SUI 51 – Swissrings

At Oslofjord Convention Center there has been two great contests, where first small and then large groups with apparatus had their performances. At the first contest, with small groups with apparatus, we had 12 groups from Norway, Germany, Australia, Denmark and Portugal. It was a great show and we are looking forward to see Showturngruppe and Showteam Blues Brothers, both from Germany, on the floor again at the Gala on Saturday.

Gold winner GER 54 – Showturngruppe

After the first contest with small groups we also had large groups with apparatus on the floor, with groups from Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, Germany and Greece present. It was a spectacular show, with a large variety in use of apparatus and themes for the performances. Swissrings from Switzerland and Olympia Thrakomakedonon from Greece where the ones to take the gold medal, and are ready for the Gala show!


Today’s shows were fantastic, and for anyone who missed it you can still find videos at our Facebook Page.  You can also find all of the results at FIG’s website.

More pictures here

Many participants started the day with yoga lesson with Helle Marie Føynum at the beach. The lesson gave the participants an introduction in yoga philosophy and poses.

Join yoga Friday morning at 10:00 at the beach.
Abilities of Gymnast with DisAbilities

We had a very interesting lecture today with Cindy Bickman from USA. It was emotional, inspirational and really touching. Cindy and her team showed us how does it feel to be excluded. We are happy (proud) that Gymnastics is for everybody, for all abilities. Like Cindy said: “There are no disabilities. There are just different abilities”.

Stabekk Turnforening og Rygge IL Turn var de eneste norske troppene som deltok i dagens konkurranse for tropper med apparater i King Harald`s World Gym for Life Challenge.

-Dette var en ny opplevelse for oss, sier treneren Ingunn Kildahl Johansen. Troppen består  av 8 jenter fra Rygge der fire driver med gymhjul og fire  er aktive i konkurransetroppen  i troppsturn.

Det er ingen vil om at opplevelsen var inspirerende:

-Jentene har allerede begynt å planlegge hva de skal gjøre i neste World Gym for Life Challenge, forteller treneren.

Se oppvisningene her

Det ble Showturngruppe (Tyskland), Showteam Blues Brothers (Tyskland), Swissrings (Sveits) og Olympiada Thrakomakedonon (Hellas) som fikk gull og skal opptre på Gallaen lørdag 29.07 kl. 18:00 Billetter kan du kjøpe her.

Fullstendig resultatliste

Begynte dagen med yoga

Mange av deltakerne begynte dagen med yoga på stranden i dag med instruktør Helle Marie Føynum.

-Yoga er så mye mer enn bare kule bilder å poste på sosiale medier, sa instruktøren som introduserte deltakerene for yogas historie og filosofi. Det var flere som fikk utfordret seg gjennom timen, og fikk en god og riktig start på dagen.

I morgen er det ny time på på stranden kl. 10:00-11:00

Stand Up Paddling (SUP) har vært en annen populær aktivitet på stranda. 4 Elements har stått for undervisningen og kan fortelle at over 120 personer har prøvd seg på brettet i løpet av dagene.

-Det har vært en morsom gjeng å instruere. Som regel begynner man på knærne første gang på brettet, men det fleste her fyker opp og padler avgårde uten store problemer.

I tillegg har det vært flotte byoppvisninger i Sandefjord og Tønsberg, les mer om dette her.


Se bilder fra onsdag her

Theodor Gadderud fortsatte der han slapp under kvalifiseringen i European Youth Olympic Festival i Ungarn og kjørte like stabilt under mangekampfinalen i dag. Det endte med nøyaktig samme plassering som han kvalifiserte seg inn til finalen med, det vil si nummer 16 (av totalt 24). En meget sterk prestasjon av Theodor og temaet rundt han.

Resultatene fra finalen finner du her.

I morgen er det nye muligheter for Theodor som også er kvalifisert for frittståendefinalen. Apparatfinalene i morgen starter kl 14.00.


I dag har det vært by oppvisninger i Sandefjord og Tønsberg.

I Sandefjord stilte Tyskland, Østerrike, Danmark, Finland, England, Irland, Malaysia, Portugal Sveits, Zimbabwe, Italia og Norge med oppvisningstropper. Her var det mye flott å se på. Spesielt troppen fra Østerrike utmerket seg med et flott akrobatisk program mens troppen fra Malaysia sjarmerte publikum med sitt ABBA inspirerte program.

Dessverre kom regnet og da forsvant publikum, men troppene selv er flinke til å heie fram og applaudere hverandre.


I Tønsberg var det også god stemning og mange flotte oppvisninger. Her stilte Zimbabwe, Finland, Østerrike, Tyskland, Portugal, Slovakia, China, Irland, Aserbajdsjan, Italia og Norge med tropper. Stor stemning og mange glade ansikter her også.



Royal, exciting and pure joy describes the first contest day at King Harald`s World Gym for Life Challenge.

-Your Majesty King Harald the Fifth of Norway,It is a great honor for the world Gymnastics family to have the pleasure of your company today, said the FIG President Morinari Watanabe in his speech.

His Majesty King Harald and FIG President Morinari Watanabe

His Majesty King Harald, is celebrating his 80th Anniversary. As a sport enthusiast, The Norwegian Confederation of Sports (NIF) have given him tree sports events as gift, one of them a gymnastic event. His Majesty King Harald was present during the Opening ceremony and the first part of  Dance and Gymnastics Contest.

18 groups performed at the Dance and Gymnastics Contest – all performances was full of entertainment, innovation, originality and variety. Only four could be announce as gold winners, and it was a lot of tension in the air right before the anointment.

Congratulation to all participants today, and a special congratulation to these four gold groups:

Fredrikstad Turnforening (NOR)

In Motion (GER) – Showgruppe In Motion

Uni-2-Tre & Gym Center Emme (SUI) – Uni2Tre

Gimnofrielas / Top Acro Gym (POR) – Clube Gimnofrielas ADCSF

They will attend the Gala Saturday 29. July.

All results

Norwegian Welcome evening

In this show, we saw a wide range of Norwegian gymnastics in a journey through Norway’s four seasons. We followed four main characters, sailing with a Viking ship over the waves, looking for the rhythm. Whit glimpse of Norwegian nature and culture, and encounter with trolls, winter sports, folk dancers and even experience the national day celebration.

The gymnasts (200) was accompanied by animations by the award-winning animation artist Sverre Fredriksen. All artwork is made by hand and photographed frame by frame, known as the traditional stop-motion technique.

All music and sound was made by renowned music producer Petter Anthon Næss.

The choreographer, Gry Fredriksen has tailored this show with her creative crew and with the help of coaches and gymnasts of all ages from all over Norway with one wish: to give the participants and audience a nice experience and great welcome to Norway and the event King Harald’s World Gym For Life Challenge 2017.


Finnsnes Turn Youth Strap \ Camilla Karolius\Siv Olsen

Sotra Turn \ Marit Hagen Halvorsen

STAG \ Lars Gunnar Risa

Stokke Turn, SEM Turn \ Wenche Havnås

Fredrikstad Turnforening \ Vivi Ann Evensen

Bardufoss Gym and Turn \ Lise Nytrøen

National Team Artistic Gymnastics Pietro and Odin \ Gabriel Negru

Holmestrand IF RG \Anita Rygh

Tunsberg Leikarring \ Brit Lønmo.

Kongsberg Turn Team Kangaroos \ Morten Karlsen

Finnsnes Turn Women’s Pathrull \ Heidi Dahl Gundersen