Lise Mandal has been part of Norwegian Gymnastics for many years. She has been, and still is, active on local, regional and national level. The last eight years, she has been a member in the FIG Council.
The Norwegian Gymnastic Federation promotes Lise Mandal as member in the FIG Council for the next period as well. We see it as important that the members in the FIG Council represents all parts of our activities and organizational levels, and in that respect Lise Mandal is a very good candidate.
Through her work within the FIG Council these last eight years, and at the same time having been active on local and national level i Norway, we find that both the FIG-family and the Norwegian Gymnastics Federation benefits from her work. Lise Mandal promotes and works for important values in sport, and this will be more and more important in the future.
Lise Mandal has held many different positions through her long career in Norwegian and international sports. Lise was a sentral part of the Norwegian application for the WG-2015 to Norway, and she was instrumental in the bid and organization of World Gym for Life Challenge in 2017.
Her core values being «fairness – integrity – responsibility – respect and integration» ensures that we by electing her will get an experienced member with good values represented in the FIG-Council.
Lise Mandal is also experienced from her positions in the local city council, and her daily work within the maritime competence centre enables her to use her professional and organizational skills on many arenas.