Straen gymnastikk- og turnforening (Stavanger, Norway) is looking for an experienced Rhythmic gymnastics coach

Straen gymnastikk- og turnforening (Stavanger, Norway) is looking for an experienced Rhythmic gymnastics coach, to ensure club and gymnast development in all levels and ages.
This is a fulltime, 100 % position, with 30 hours in the gym pr. week + admin work.
The contract period is from August/September 2021 to June 2022, with the intention to extend the period of engagement.
You will work in a team with 3 other fulltime coaches and other assistant coaches, and gymnasts both individual, and in group.
The club wants to increase the quality of training, and is therefore in the search for a new addition to a great coaching team.
Kontaktperson: Cathrine Lanne
E-post: cathrinelanne@straengtf.no