A week to remember

‘-On behalf of the Local Organising Committee I would like to thank all the gymnasts for all the great performances you have given us, says President of the Local Organising Committee (LOC), Stig Nilssen.
Suddenly it is very quiet at Oslofjord Convention Center. Maybe not a big surprise: 2076 participants and 170 volunteers have left the Gymnastics Village. Four days of contests, show performances, training, activities – and let us not forget our flashmob – is over.
King Harald`s World Gym for Life Challenge has been a gymnastics adventure from start to the end. 88 small and large groups – with or without apparatus – have impressed audience, media, LOC and FIG with their performances.
During the week 19 000 to 48 000 people watched the performances live streamed on Facebook. We reached over 1 million people on Facebook and over 60 000 people were active giving out likes, hearts and comments!
-You have really shown us that participation in King Harald’s World Gym for Life Challenge is for everybody, says Nilssen and underlines:
You have also shown us the true values of sports; health, community, joy and fair play!
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PICTURES:See more pictures from King Harald`s World Gym for Life Challenge
1200 participants joined the Viking Workshop. The workshop was a big success and participants got a lot of inspiration and knowledge about the Viking era. Other activities as yoga and Stand Up Paddling was also very popular. Over 130 of participants tried Stand Up Paddling for the first time, and the instructor was very impressed:
-What an experience this have been for me! No doubt I was teaching athletic persons: their balance and enthusiasm was unique, says Hallgeir Torbjørnsen in 4elements.
Together we made it happen!

LOC president Stig Nilssen also want to thank the evaluators and feedbackers.
-You have had a tough task, which you have solved in the best possible way.
Since the first day of the King Harald`s World Gym for Life Challenge – journey, FIG has been a good cooperating partner.
– We have always felt your strong support from says Nilssen.
And finally: I would like to thank all the volunteers for your fantastic efforts, concludes the LOC president Stig Nilssen.
A big success with a Royal touch
FIG Gymnastics for All Committee congratulates the Local Organising Committee and the Norwegian Gymnastics Federation for the fantastic organisation of the World Gym for Life Challenge 2017.
-We know that you have worked hard for the last five years and you should be very proud of the result. Everyone visiting Oslofjord Convention Center during the event experienced this unique place where everything was brought together. The accommodation, the catering, the contest and the Gala took place within the same area, – and we even had our own beach, says Margaret Sikkens Ahlquist, President in FIG Gymnastics for All Committee.
What also made it very special was the visit of His Majesty King Harald V.
– I am sure he enjoyed every minute of the performances, says the president Ahlquist.
READ: Gymnastics meet in the name of the King
Wonderful performances
For the first time in history the FIG president was present at the World Gym for Life Challenge. Morinari Watanabe want to share a message to all the participants:
-I have nothing but praise for the participants’ performances as wonderful. I have seen many musicals in New York and London, but the inspiration I have got from the performances at the event are far greater than the one from those musicals. I have no doubt that the performances at the World Gym for Life Challenge will continue to develop to a higher level.